Feb 15, 2009

Feb 12th - 15th Eleven Fingers??


Firstly I apologize for the lack of posts, I have been in Whangaparoa for choir camp. That sounds really geeky until I mention it's on of the top 3 choirs in New Zealand.

Anyway I'm going to list the highlights of the past few days, in no particular order.

Firstly, I hypnotised 4 people on camp. One girl (one of my mates for about 5 years now) I hypnotised 7 times. 7 times. I made her hand stick to her knee, I made her forget her name, I made her think that a guy was wearing a red party hat becasue it was his birthday and I made her forget the number 2. It's always amusing to see someone count your fingers and find 11. I even made her get drunk on water. It was absolutely brilliant!!

Secondly the piece 'Past Life Melodies' by Sarah Hopkins is INCREDIBLE. I splits into 11 parts and has harmonic singing as inspired by tibetan monks and it creates a truly meditative and entrancing atmosphere.

Thirdly Valentines day makes me depressed. Enough on that.

While I'm here, I would like to promote the International Association of Teenage Hypnotists as I managed to do all of the things mentioned with all the lessons attained by simply signing up. You can do a course which costs around $400 dollars but the free lessons will get you a good headstart. Even if you don't want to hypnotize people, It is truly fascinating to learn more about it and it gives you more of an insight into how we humans work


  1. I love being hypnotized! I was made to forget my own name on one occasion. I remembered it, but I just couldn't say it when the time came. I love how the trick was temporary aphasia, rather than amnesia. ;)

  2. What camp site was it? Peter Snell Youth Village?

  3. How do you know these things??!!

  4. Camp + Whangaparaoa = Peter Snell generally :P
