Feb 4, 2009

Feb 4th - Inspirational Speakers and Chivalry

Right 2 topics this time - Inspiration and Chivalry

Today at school we had W. Mitchell come speak to us. Don't ask me what the W stands for, I have no idea. He was horrifically burnt in a motorcycle accident which resulted in 65% of his body being burnt. Later after years of recovery and getting his life back together, He was paralyzed in a plane accident from the waist down. The first accident took his fingers and after skin grafts and months in hospital he looks like this:

Today he delivered a truly amazing speech to us about his life. The two messages I took from it were these:

1 - Responsibility means your ability to respond to the situation at hand
2 - It's not what happens to you that matters, It's how you respond to it

And on the topic of chivalry, my bus was absolutely pack this afternoon going home so there were about 7 girls standing and lots of guys sitting down. So I got up and let 2 girls sit down, expecting all the other guys to do the same and follow my example as the only 7th former on the bus, but they didn't. I didn't do it for thanks or to make myself look good and for all the girls to go "Oh look at him being so polite, I want some of that" thought hat would've been an added bonus :P

My message to all guys is to bring chivalry back because it's really important so all the girls feel some loving!

Any similar chivalry situations? Girls, how do you feel when someone does something similar?


  1. Chivalry = <3
    Seriously though, I always really appreciate it when a guy (whether I know him or not) goes out of his way to do something nice, even if it's only to pause to hold the door open before he passes through. Regardless, it always looks good and it can't hurt your chances when it comes to impressing girls. I know my friends would agree!

  2. Yeah but boys are jerks. Just the way it is :(

  3. haha. i probably would've stayed in my seat.. :P i'm such a jerk..

  4. Lol, i agree with musicchick257. its really nice. and not all guys. look at Logan here.

    that was nice.

  5. It is really lovely. Letting a girl go through a door first is a great one. I always appreciate that. Little things.
