Feb 24, 2009

Feb 24th - God Complex

Ok, so one of the things my parents keep reminding me about as one of the dangers of hypnotism is gaining a god complex and a giant ego to go with it. To prevent this I don't really flaunt my 'abilities' and I am really humble about it. Which posed me this question: If I fear gaining a god complex, will I ever get one?

I mean, sure, I could get one without noticing but I don't know if that's possible or not.

Hypnotism Log:
Another Number Amnesia (Number 2)
Hand Anaesthesia (She could NOT feel her hand at all)
Reinforcement of last week's Therapy session (Now experiencing normal eating and sleeping habits and no more mood swings, generally happier with life)

I mean I am proud of myself and my achievements but I think it's more that I am happy with being able to help people change their lives. If I ever get egotistical about it, you let me know please :P


  1. so hypnotism has really been working from your experiences with it??? that's craaaazy man, i was convinced it was all a scam.

  2. To be honest, I did too. Once you see it (Or in my case, induce it) right in front of your face, it's kinda hard to be skeptical about it
