Feb 9, 2009

Feb 9th - Hypnotism

Today I found a website called the International Association of Teenage Hypnotists. Once you join there are many free lessons available which will guide you most the way. However if you wish to become certified, there is a course which is about $300 which will end in your certification as a hypnotist.

While I would enjoy having to answer what the C.H at the end of my name meant, I don't have 3oo bucks at the moment.

Plus the fact that's 300 US.

I have enough ebooks on hypnotism to last me a while, I just need to find a willing subject...

Sorry for the short post, it's a chool night and I need to get my sleeping pattern back together :P


  1. Oh and I just remembered, seeing as we have camp you could just do some hypnotising on me then. (Is it right to say "hypnotising on me"? it doesn't sound right...) Anyhow you can try to hypnotise me then, and if you get real good at hypnotising lots of other people you could even have your own lil hypnotising show:O
    Now wouldn't that be nice?

  2. that C.H. thing sounds like a scam. Like how do you really check if your hypnotist is "certified". idk, i don't know much about that stuff anyway.
