Feb 7, 2009

Feb 7th - The Guy

I was kidding, I left the last post on a cliffhanger ending just to screw with you all. In reality The Guy turned to me and said of his own accord that he didn't want the main part. He may or may not have meant this but IF HE DID it means that some other loser (eg Me) actually has a shot at the part. 

So I've been Researching Tenacious D (Found the complete masterworks 2 at JB today so I'm really happy I don't have to order it from the states) and gearing up for the epic audish on tuesday.

Also avoid the Toyworld near JB in the albany mall LIKE THE PLAGUE. They have these high intensity neon lights that have a slight blue tinge to them which isn't bad, makes all the colours kinda buzzy. But the worst thing is they strobe. Really fast. I felt sick and anxious while under them. Not fun.

Any tips for the audition? How would you define Jack Black? cause someone else's viewpoint would help :P

1 comment:

  1. OH THE LIGHTS. Just today I was speaking to someone about the strobe and how no one else seemed to notice them!

    Jack Black just free styles. Yes...
