Jan 14, 2009

Jan 13th & 14th - Double feature

Apologies for my absence yesterday, I was at a friend's house and he had used up his bandwidth so it was running at below Dial-up so it was near impossible to get here and blog for you lovely people.

The title for today reminds me of Grindhouse - a double feature of 2 films, one directed by Quentin Tarantino and the other directed by Robert Rodriguez. If you haven't checked out either Planet Terror or Death Proof, you really should as they perfectly resemble all that makes B-Grade so freaking awesome. Blood, guts, smut and deadpan dialogue - It's all in there and executed perfectly.

And if that doesn't do it for you, I'm sure a girl with a machine-gun leg will!

But that's besides the point. The point I was meandering hopelessly towards was the nature of B-grade films. It amazes me that something can be so bad that it is good. Perhaps it's because sometimes we need to take a break from mainstream Hollywood popcorn flicks and indulge in something that doesn't try to live up to expectations but rather makes it's own.

You do get those that dabble in both, The Spirit being a prime example. It's getting increasingly hard to tell with some films whether they take themselves seriously or not. Another prime example being the Batman movies with great actors like George Clooney facing off in a technicoloured Gotham, fighting ludicrously camp villains. It makes up for the lack of *THUD* onomatapoeia *ZWHACK* that there was in the tv series.

So I challenge you to watch a B-grade movie and enjoy something that hasn't got it's head most the way up it's own arse. Filmmakers show their absolute best creativity and originality when not pressured by Hollywood's expectation. 

(I always wanted to be the guy who got to write the onomatapoeia for Batman. It would be such a brilliant job to have. Also I think someone should make a Lego Batman mod to put them in the game cause that would be beyond rad)


  1. OH MY GOODNESS - that would be an awesome job (Batman thing)

  2. Nah doesn't sound like it's for me. I found watching Camelot last night depressing enough.
