Jan 18, 2009

Jan 17th & 18th - Love

Today I helped my sister film a video highlighting all the places that were important to her and her boyfriend for their one year anniversary. Her boyfriend works 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off on a supply boat for an oil rig. I think it's incredible that a relationship can stay constant with that kind of interruption all the time. He is an awesome guy and I would approve of him marrying my sister (which they have talked about a lot).

I can't say much about love due to my inexperience, I have had many relationships but only several have lasted over a week. I think it's insecurity that can drive love away and to cope with this, you just have to give in and go with the flow. 

What's also interesting is how many people actually are in love with the idea of being in love and will fool themselves into thinking that they are in love. While I guess it's better than moping about nobody loving you, it's probably more pain than it's worth in the long term when you wake up one morning and realise how empty your life is.


  1. I agree with drew. And yes, there are few things more horrible that realizing that you are in love with the relationship and not with the person. It's just painful for everyone.

  2. woo,....... gives me some things to think about. lol. but good blog. xx
